Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lunch w/ Big Business

big business wealth undergroundBig Business was not phased by the rain, which makes sense as they were once based out of the Washington and have a song called, "Another Beautiful Day in the Pacific Northwest."  They borrowed Red Fang's van for the tour, choosing to leave behind the band jet on this "back to our roots" tour.

It was just Jared and Scott who sat down with me for the meal.  That said, if you listen to the podcast, Coady jumps in and makes a few (mostly rude) remarks here and there.  If you listen until the end, Jared and Scott give an a cappella teaser of the upcoming record that they haven't started recording.

scott big business goatsThe show was at the White Owl Social Club, a restaurant/venue that has recently opened in what was once Plan B.  The food is worth it alone to go to shows here, where their burger varieties include buffalo, salmon, and pulled jackfruit.  But this is not a food review.  Following the Portland band Rabbits, Big Business maintained their larger than life sound for the entire set.  The music is great because of the drumming alone but the fact that they write catchy songs makes them a force to be reckoned with.  Also, Jared might have the best vocal stylings in contemporary heavy metal.

big business farm to artist

Thanks to Jared and Scott of Big Business for joining me at Wealth Underground Farm.  Go to the band's website for more information.  Here's a song to get you pumped for the podcast:

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